Seon create enterprise sendjob
From Seon
Create Seon Enterprise send jobs in batch mode
Seon Enterprise offers a wide range to automatism, and incoming jobs execute configurable plugins dynamically depending on the recipient. But what about outgoing jobs? That's where this tools fills the gap.
What you need
As a minimum, you need the following information:
- sender of the job
- username (must be unique) - or
- database index value
- at least one recipient
- username (must be unique) - or
- database index value
- file(s)
Sender and recipient
Setting a sender or recipient is possible either via the username or the database index value of the person. When used, the username must be unique. If more than one username is found, execution fails. If a numeric index value is given, it will supersede the username information (even is given).
Formatting the information
The most platform independant and dynamic format is XML. In this case, the tools expects a XML file which contains some well-defined nodes. Example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Seon_sendjob> <job_comment/> <sender> <index>3</index> <username></username> </sender> <recipient> <index></index> <username>haraldlatzko</username> </recipient> <job_file> <filename>seonlic</filename> <absolute_filename>/opt/seon/bin/seonlic</absolute_filename> <file_comment>filecomment</file_comment> <compression/> <plugin_output/> </job_file> <job_file> <filename>seon_licinfo</filename> <absolute_filename>/opt/seon/bin/seon_licinfo</absolute_filename> <file_comment>filecomment</file_comment> <compression/> <plugin_output/> </job_file> </Seon_sendjob>
Execution syntax