Seon Core start daemons

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List of daemons

In order to start Seon, you first have to understand which program is responsible for which task. So, here a list for exactly this information:

  • seonrd: receiving process which accepts incoming calls, transfers files and meta information
  • seonsqd: send queue daemon, which is responsible to send files of the send queue to a defined partner
  • seondebugd: debug daemon, which collects information about all running processes and writes them out on demand in an encrypted form
  • seonclientd: client daemon, responsible for job handling and authentification of Seon Enterprise user sessions

So, if you are running an Seon Core installation without Seon Enterprise, you will have to start the three daemons

In case of an Seon Enterprise installation, you have to start these four daemons right after the configuration:

If you want to check if everything works fine, you should check your process list:

ps -ef | grep seon | grep -v grep

In case of a Seon Core installation with one ISDN controller defined, you should get something like this:

root      4388     1  0 22:43 ?        00:00:00 /opt/seon/bin/seonrd
root      4389  4388  0 22:43 ?        00:00:00 seonrd_tcpip        
root      4390  4388  0 22:43 ?        00:00:00 seonrd_tcpip_tls    
root      4391  4388  0 22:43 ?        00:00:00 seonrd_capi_0       
root      4394     1  0 22:43 ?        00:00:00 /opt/seon/bin/seonsqd
root      4397     1  0 22:43 ?        00:00:00 /opt/seon/bin/seondebugd

Expect that "seonrd" forks some processes for incoming medias, as documented here.

In case of an Seon Enterprise installation, the daemon "seonclientd" should be visible too:

root      4399     1  0 22:43 ?        00:00:00 /opt/seon/bin/seonclientd