Seon Webaccess add files

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Adding files to a new send job is possible in various ways. Depending on the configuration of Seon and the available web browser you use, you have the following possibilities to add files:

Simple file upload

When adding files, just click on the button "Browse" of the "Files" section of the new send job:

Webaccess upload file.png

Depending of your web browser's technology, a simple file selection window opens of your operating system. This way, you can select any file to be uploaded to the server. Selecting multiple files is supported, too:

Webaccess file upload select multi.png

After selecting the file(s), upload starts instantly. A progress bar shows you the progress of the upload.

Webaccess uploaded files.png

It's not possible to upload two files with the same filename. Empty file upload (=files with the size of 0 bytes) is supported.

Pre-processing local files and upload

If your system administrator enabled the functionality for local file processing and configured the integration correctly for your platform, and also the Seon Webaccess webbrowser plugin is installed in your webbrowser, you can select files from hierarchically organized logical directories (so-called "DLNames"):

Webaccess DLName button.png

The opening window presents you the possibility to select an available environment:

Webaccess DLName window.png

You can:

Select environment

Webaccess DLName select environment.png

By selecting an environment, the grid below loads the available DLNames contained in this environment. The last selected environment is saved in your user's configuration.

Search in DLName list

Webaccess DLName search list.png

You can limit the displayed DLNames (which can be a lot) by entering a single search string which must be contained in the DLName.

Select a DLName

By selecting a DLName from the list, the content of that directory is listed in the right grid. A list if filenames, sized and last access dates is available.

Webaccess DLName show content.png

Search in file list

By adding a search string to the top search panel and/or by selecting the requested file appendix from the "Format" list, you can search in the list of files.

Webaccess DLName search files.png

Start export process

By selecting one or more files from the file list, the "Export" button becomes active. By pressing the "Export" button, the administratively configured export process starts with the file selection.

Webaccess DLName start export.png

Webaccess DLName exporting.png

If everything is exported correctly, the resulting file(s) will be uploaded to the new send job. If an error occurs, a window appears showing the state of the export.

Webaccess DLName export error.png

Server side file selection

If no file upload is requested, users can select a file from the server's directory pool. If administratively enabled, a server file selection button appears as a file selection possibility:

Webaccess server file selection button.png

At the left side, a directory tree shows you the configured directories (optionally as a descriptor; if no description is given, the directory name is displayed). You can browse through the directories as you would expect it with a file manager of your choice.

After selecting a directory, the content of the directory is displayed at the right grid, containing the file names, size and last modification date. You can filter in the file names for a given simple search string. Sorting is implemented. By pressing the shift button during file selection, a mass selection is available. You can disable a selection in the mass selection by pressing the corresponding mass (de-)selection button for your platform:

  • Windows and Linux: Ctrl
  • Mac OS X: Cmd

By selecting one or more files, the "Accept" button at the bottom becomes active. By pressing this button, the selected files are taken into the new send job instantly without modification.

Webaccess server file selection window.png