Seon Webaccess joblist
When logged in successfully, an eMail client like view of Seon jobs is delivered. The site is divided into four parts:
Access the following entities:
create a new send job (opening a new tab).
select the language.
log out from Seon Webaccess.
If your user authentificates via internal mechanism, then your username is a link for changing your password.
Button for activation of preview pane. A short summary of the selected Seon job will be displayed at the buttom.
search for any information in the current view
A folder like view represents incoming and outgoing job overviews. By activating an overview type, the right area is actualized with the chosen information. Settings are reachable as a sub-entry of this side menu.
Jobs list
Corresponding to the chosen view on the left side, this list shows all jobs with the given criteria and/or the searched value from the top. With a single click on a row, the job preview pane below (if activated) is filled with the information about that job. When double-clicking a row or when clicking on the icon on the left side, a new tab is being opened for detail access to that Seon job.
The displayed information show dynamically the content of the job. Some rules apply:
- If no files are available on the job, the file size is not displayed but text in italic font is shown.
- If the external person of the job (say: the sender of incoming jobs) is deleted administratively, the person details are shown in italic font.
- If the person of a job (sender or recipient) is resolvable to a person entity in the database, a coloured icon is displayed beside the name. If only the company or none information is available at all, a grey icon is displayed.
Job preview
Some details about an Seon jobs are included in the preview pane, which are:
- Job number.
- The (last modification) date of the job.
- Sender and recipients details. If any email address is involved, this mail address is a clickable link which opens the standard mail client.
- File list including the amount of all files contained in this Seon job.