Seon plugin seonplugin hqm sealcheck

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Check every Siemens NX file of the job if it has a valid HQM seal contained.


The plugin can be configured with these simple parameters:

  • Test configuration name: if the test configuration name is given, this name will be explicitely searched in the NX parameters. If another test seal name is found (i.e. when using a different than expected environment), the plugin will fail. Beware that the given configuration name is case-sensitive. Example:
  • Verbosity: for better debugging of special situation, you may increase the verbosity level from 0 to 2.
  • Post script: in case of failure, the configured post script is being executed before the job fails. The parameters of the post script are described below.
  • Don't abort: if any file is not OK, the job normally aborts. If this option is enabled, all files are being checked (and the post-script mentioned above is being executed).


The NX file must be check with the HQM GUI in Siemens NX interactively. After successful check, the file must be saved.


The plugins follows these rules:

  • Check if file is a valid Siemens NX file. If this is not given, skip this file.
  • Check if the file is an assembly. If this is the case, skip the file.
  • Check if the NX file is marked as "non release relevant", (namely model type: "NON_RELEASE_REL") skip this file.
  • Check the NX properties if a valid HQM seal check is contained in the NX file. If the properties don't exist, the optional post script is being executed and the job fails.
  • Verify if the seal check has a valid result. In case of non-OK results, the optional post script is being executed and the job fails.
  • (optional: check the exact configuration name of the HQM environment).
  • Verify if the HQM seal is still valid (say: no changes are made after the last check). If this is not the case, the optional post script is being executed and the job fails.

Post script parameters

In case of failure, the post script is being executed. You are free to implement any kind of logic in this step. The return code of the executable is being ignored. The parameters are:

  1. The job's XML.
  2. The absolute file of the file where the error occurs.
  3. The check return value, given as string. The following return codes are available:
  • HQM_RC_SEAL_NOT_OK: The HQM seal check has a value which indicates that the last check was not successful.
  • HQM_RC_SEAL_TOO_OLD: The HQM seal is too old. A re-check of the file must be done.
  • HQM_RC_SEAL_NO_SEAL: No HQM test seal is contained in the file.
  • HQM_RC_SEAL_WRONG_NAME: The HQM test seal was produces with a different configuration name than configured.
  • HQM_RC_UNKNOWN: Any other error.

An example for such a call is:

/opt/seon/custom_scripts/ /opt/seon/tmp/seon_job.4SN8FJ3E 
"/opt/seon/tmp/8r7kumigg8p350pcp6en5dep40_ext-gen1508_1448005837/Quader_Heidelberg_Gecheckt_Und_Fehler.prt" HQM_RC_SEAL_NOT_OK

License requirements

The plugin requires Seon Enterprise as software license.

  • No HQM Batch license required.
  • No HQM GUI license is required.
  • No Siemens NX license is required.