Seon Webaccess joblist
From Seon
When logged in successfully, an eMail client like view of Seon jobs is delivered. The site is divided into four parts:
- head: here you can choose if you want to
- navigation: a folder like view represents incoming and outgoing job overviews. By activating an overview type, the right area is actualized with the chosen information.
- jobs list: corresponding to the chosen view on the left side, this list shows all jobs with the given criteria and/or the searched value from the top. With a single click on a column, the job overview below is filled with the information about that job. When double-clicking, the same happens in addition to a new fullscreen browser window containing all these information.
- job overview: the detailed information about a job is listed below the job list. The following actions can be accessed in the header of the job overview: